Lttb wot blitz
Lttb wot blitz

lttb wot blitz lttb wot blitz

However the LTTB appears at first glance to be played more as a precision ambusher, coming out of nowhere to unload multiple shots into a tanks exposed weak spots and then darting away before anyone can react. The good top radio means that this seemingly perfect all-rounder light tank can even scout, and it does have a decent enough size to do so pretty well. The armor of the LTTB simply allows you to harass for somewhat longer periods of time (to a point it almost seems like your just directly engaging) before you have to escape with the LTTB's good agility and amazing acceleration. The good speed and fantastic horsepower per ton on the top engine make actually harassing a armored opponent all the more tempting, but remember, you still are outmatched in armor even with the LTTBs surprisingly good armor ratings. Try to avoid ridge lines and hilly terrain because you will be completely outplayed there. However the poor elevation and depression angles mean that you will very often struggle to hit the enemies in front of you, or miss them because you drive onto a bump at the time you shoot. The top gun also has good accuracy and the exact same aim time as the Ru-251. It actually has both good hull armor and turret armor unlike virtually all of the other light tanks in its tier, those who were frustrated by the MT-25's firepower will begin to really like the LTTB's top gun, as it fares unbelievably better against more heavily armored foes. In some respects this tank is nearly as odd as the T-28 in terms of its role, except unlike the T-28 it has more going for it. Somewhat large silhouette, especially from side.Very good penetration and alpha with top gun can exploit most higher tier tanks weak spots with ease.Turns well at high speeds and turns very quickly at low speeds stops in a snap.

lttb wot blitz

Good top speed with top engine (Though with the hp/t, expect speeds more in the range of 73-75).Downright amazing power to weight ratio with top engine, accelerates in a snap and can go 30-35 km/h up rather steep hills.Well armored and highest HP pool for its tier and class.

Lttb wot blitz